Kalsoumy, GERMANY


I’m so grateful and Happy is an amazing, intelligent and such a genuine person. She, Faith and all the other people from there raise the children with so much love and patience, it’s unbelievable

The children are so clever, curious, respectful, playful and eager to learn it’s amazing. It only takes a few days until they get used to you if you engage and I loved playing, singing, dancing and colouring books with them. After a few days you get to know everyone’s character which is super interesting. I feel so blessed to have spent time with them because their smile and laughter is priceless and fills my heart every time

I am still so heartbroken and sad that I had to leave after only 1 1/2 weeks due to corona, I would have loved to stay longer and get to know the children more. I will never forget this experience and learned so much out of it. Thanks again Happy for having me and for your amazing work you put into the boarding house and school. I would recommend this place to everyone because it’s a once in a life time experience!
