We stayed with Happy for 5 weeks and had the most amazing time. They are currently caring for 10 children, who are all gorgeous. We helped teaching English to the children and playing games, and even in our short time you could see how beneficial the interaction was to them. Happy is an incredibly resourceful […]
I intended to stay here for 1 or 2 months, but ended up staying for 3 months because I loved the place so much. Happy, Gladys and all the others were always so nice and really made me feel at home. The children are so lovely and fun and it’s great to see how happy […]
I stayed with Happy for 3 weeks. She is amazing. She is so dedicated to creating better opportunities for the community. She has created a wonderful home for 15 children where they function as a family. The children are engaging, energetic, and joyful.
I stayed with the Kids for 7 weeks and they were the best 7 weeks of my life! The adults who work at the project are the most dedicated and generous people I have ever met and the children will completely steal your hearts. The atmosphere is welcoming and kind, and if you need anything […]
What an experience. I spent 1 months as a volunteer here with my girlfriend and it was without doubt the most meaningful and inspiring experience I’ve ever had. Ive spent 3 years traveling prior and have never had such a connection with the local community and really felt like I’ve made a difference in someone […]
I stayed with Happy and the children for 4 weeks, it was an experience I will never forget. Happy and the children were very welcoming and made me feel comfortable from one day. Huge credit to Happy for running such an amazing organization where the children are well cared.
I spent 2 months as a volunteer here, and it was without doubt the most meaningful and inspiring experience I’ve ever had. After spending 8 months previous to this volunteering in various countries and projects all over Africa, and my time here was absolutely the best part of my trip. The children in the home […]
We were supposed to stay here for two weeks, we ended up staying four…that’s how much we loved this experience! The work being done is extraordinary. Not only are they doing great work within the organization, but they are also passionate about helping the village
My husband and I spent 2 weeks volunteering here and it was an experience of a lifetime.
I stayed here for only 2 weeks in February – wishing it was longer! The children are so wonderful, saying goodbye is definitely the worst part of my time here! This is one big family full of love!