Recently the Esuubi children were …
Women Empowerment

Who we are
How We Work
In 2018 with the assistance of donations from one of our volunteers we held two information sessions at our school where we distributed over 100 packs of the Ugandan made ‘Afripads’ washable & reusable sanitary pads
We would love to be able to expand on this project by researching and providing nutritional advice on locally available foods to eat for women’s health.
As this topic is extremely important and care packages can be accessed and provided with ease, we have created a women’s care pack option on our donations page.
In 2019 with the assistance of donations from one of our volunteers we visited the Jinja women’s prison where we distributed care packages. We have pu

Drinking water
The health and risk factors of drinking un-purified water and water borne diseases is a major issue in all developing countries
We are looking at creating a project and sponsorship packs for donors to supply a form of water filtration for a family
Currently we use the ‘Purifaaya’ Ugandan water filtration system but would love to investigate natural high volume means of purifying water

In addition to making Christmas Day a special one for the children, we try and spread the love as much as possible for the kids of the village as a whole
We do this by asking our volunteers to donate clothes, toys and food that allow us make Christmas packs in addition to fundraising specially for this purpose in the weeks leading up to Christmas. In essence, our kids gift pack option on our donations page forms a basis for these Christmas packs

As malaria is present in the village (only on a minor basis thankfully) and long-term medications are not healthy or financially viable for locals we are looking at creating a project and sponsorship packs for donors to sponsor the cost to provide mosquito protection for a child for example
Ideas for the anti-mosquito packs include a DEET treated mosquito net and researching and making our own natural mosquito repellents or traps in addition to free malaria testing
If you have skills that could help us achieve our goals, please reach out and consider volunteering at Esuubi!

Seeds of Change
We supply locals access to land, seeds and guidance to enable to them to plant crops and create an income on a profit share basis

Birth control
We are looking at creating a project and sponsorship packs for donors to supply a form of birth control and education on sexual health once we can find a suitable health care provider to partner with
This will more likely be in the form of an implant & contraceptives

Whilst not technically a community project in the purest of terms, every job we create for someone in our village empowers them, gives them hope and a purpose!
This is extremely important in a country with a crazy high unemployment figure (60% nationally but higher in villages – exact figures are hard to source…)
Happening At Esuubi Foundation Uganda.
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Esuubi Birthdays
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Christmas party
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